Have I mentioned that Ottawa Comiccon is this weekend? 🙂 It’s not going to be a big show but I’m happy to see one in my home town. In terms of actors, Patrick Stewart had to cancel (filming a new Die Hard movie) but I’m looking forward to seeing Brent Spiner and Adam Baldwin. And as for comic talent, as a Hulk fan I’m eager to see Herb Trimpe and I’ll be bringing Elephantmen Vol 0 signed by Richard Starkings.

Funny thing about Captain Firefly, when I was trying to come up with his look Jeff Spicoli (Sean Penn from Fast Times at Ridgemont High) came to mind for some unknown reason. Though he ended up looking quite a bit like Doc Samson. And when it came to his mind, I had Joss Whedon on my mind. I blame the Avengers (which i thought was excellent).